2 - 3 AM British British Go by Sea to Lechmere Point (Menotomy)
2nd St (Cambridge Multicultural Arts Center) |
British land at Lechmere point after they embark from Backbay. They
British were delayed from marching earlier because they had to bring up
provisions from their boats. The provisions were divided between the
troops, each soldier had one day's ration and 36 rounds of ammuntion.
Thomas Robis and David Harrington were carrying milk to
Boston. They were captured at Menotomy River (now Alewife Brook) and
were compeled to go with the British soldiers to Lexington.
Three members of the Committee of Saftey from Marble
head, Colonel Jeremiah Lee, Colonel Azor Orne and Elbridge Gerry were
spending the night at the Black Horse Tavern following a session of the
Committee. As the troops marched by, they arose from their beds to
watch the British pass by. But when an officer and a file of regulars
detached from the main company and went to search the house, they fled
out the back door in their nightclothes and hid in a field of corn
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